Leave a Gift in Your Will



Throughout our history gifts left to us in Wills have played a vital part in support of our work. In the days when Wood Street Mission gave room and board to children with nowhere else to go, and provided children from the city with their first seaside holiday, legacies provided essential funding to pay for cots and beds for the children to sleep in. Plaques commemorating this generosity are still on display in our building.

Leaving a gift to Wood Street Mission in your Will is a truly wonderful way to support our work. No matter the size of the gift, your donation will help us to future-proof our projects and continue expanding them in response to the needs of our clients/our community.

If you would like further information about how to leave a gift to Wood Street Mission in your will, or tell us about a gift you have already included, please call the fundraising team on 0161 834 3261 or email fundraise@woodstreetmission.org.uk.


In Memory

If you would like to donate, or collect donations, in memory of a loved one, please do get in touch so our team can guide you through the process.  Donations can be given to be used where need is greatest, or we are always happy to direct donations in memory of a loved one to a specific project. For instance, a recent donation in memory of a loved one was made to provide safe sleeping for babies, and it has been used towards the purchase of cots and moses baskets, ensuring many babies have the safest start in life.

If you would like further information or want to discuss an in memory donation, please call the fundraising team on 0161 834 3261 or email fundraise@woodstreetmission.org.uk.