At work, school, or home, with friends, family or colleagues, there’s lots you can do and we are always here to help with:
- fundraising tips
- help with setting up an online sponsorship page
- sponsorship forms
- t-shirts and running vests
- collection buckets and tins
- banners and posters
- giving a talk to your company, school, church or group
No matter how much money you raise, you’ll have made a real, positive difference to local children and their families, who are dealing with the impact of poverty. Whatever you’d like to get involved with, please do get in touch and tell us about your fundraising plans, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact fundraise@woodstreetmission.org.uk to find out more.
Adventures with CAFT
We’ve joined forces with out friends over at CAFT to provide opportunities for supporters to access a range of new Challenge Events. From The Great Sri Lanka Tuk Tuk Adventure to hiking the hills of Wales, Cycling around Isle of Man or the Lakes of Italy. Canoeing and Walking Coast to Coast in Scotland or trekking the Italian 3 Peaks, challenge yourself whilst enjoying the great outdoors.
Adidas Manchester Marathon – 27 April 2025
Are you looking for a Spring Challenge, perhaps to tick off your first Marathon or you’re a well seasoned runner, why not sign up to the “UK’s fastest, flattest and friendlies major marathon”.
To sign up to the full marathon in April or half marathon in October click here
Great North Swim – 13 – 15 March 2025
Do you love to swim? The Arla Great North Swim will be back from Friday 13 to Sunday 15 June 2025. Choose from six different open water swimming distances to suit all ages, abilities, and level of experience. Dive into nature at Windermere and join us at the UK’s biggest open water swimming event. To secure your place take a look here.
Great Manchester Run – 18 May 2025
Dig out those trainers, set yourself a goal and join our Wood Street Running Team for 2025. Last year we had the biggest team we’ve ever had in the Great Manchester Run and we’d love to do it all over again. Fancy it? Head here for more info. Don’t forget to let us know if you sign up too!
Ultra Challenges
Looking for the ultimate challenge to achieve your 2025 goals? What about an Ultra Challenge.
Walk, Jog, or Run the best of Britain and Push Yourself Further on 18 amazing events!
There’s Full 100 km challenges – Continuous or the 2-day Daylight option with camping at half way, testing 75 km, 50 km & 25 km distance options, a few off-road marathons, a set of 10K tasters, an ULTRA MARCH® category for ambitious walkers, and a new Solo Challengers start time – there’s an Ultra Challenge® for everyone!
Inflatable 5K
Something fun for all the family or simply enjoy bouncing around with your mates. Bounce over to their website for a list of venues and dates.
Cycle Events
Enjoy cycling, why not try a scenic cycle riding in the Yorkshire Dales. Go head to head with the challenging terrain of North Yorkshire. These invigorating cycle challenges explore the region’s beautiful scenery and famed cycling climbs. Fully supported, with feed stations, medical assistance, mechanical support and even motorcycle outriders to ensure a premium feel, with every turn of the pedals.
Starting and finishing at Ripon Racecourse, both routes enjoy the flat terrain around Boroughbridge. The Cool Route passes Fountains Abbey, with the longer Classic route diving into the Yorkshire hills, to take on some of the fine cycling roads of the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
RIDE The Dales | Classic | Sun 29 Jun 2025 | TimeOutdoors
RIDE The Dales | Cool | Sun 29 Jun 2025 | TimeOutdoors
Contact us or call 0161 834 3140 to find out more about taking on a challenge event for Wood Street Mission.